Cross-Sector Collaboration Improves Infant Mortality Surveillance in Central Louisiana

The Louisiana Department of Health, Office of Public Health, Bureau of Family Health’s Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Coordinators and MIECHV (Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting) program staff hold regional, quarterly Community Advisory and Action Team (CAAT) meetings with stakeholders and families to employ innovative and best practices to promote the health of families in each region.

At the September CAAT meeting in central Louisiana, Lisa Norman, Region 6 MCH Coordinator, shared the results of quality improvement efforts around infant death scene investigations for Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) cases. The CDC recommends coroner investigators use “doll kits” to complete scene reenactments, which provide essential information related to how the death could have occurred.

Lisa identified a need for additional death scene investigators in region 6. In response, law enforcement was eager to participate in data collection, though their participation presented a new challenge: more doll kits would be needed. Wade Bond, Director of the Children’s Advocacy Network, was present at the CAAT meeting and offered to provide five new doll kits for investigators.

A HUGE thank you to Wade and the Children’s Advocacy Network for their continued work to improve the health and wellness of children and families!

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