Travelers Advised to Prevent Zika Virus Infection by Avoiding Mosquito Bites
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, Office of Public Health’s Infectious Disease Epidemiology Section has issued a public information bulletin about the Zika virus and Zika disease. Zika disease is caused by the Zika virus, which is transmitted to people primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito....
Read More >DHH Releases Mothball Fact Sheet for Childcare Providers

The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals’ Section of Environmental Epidemiology and Toxicology (SEET) has released a fact sheet on moth balls, a common pesticide and used to control moths, silverfish and other fiber pests in wool and other natural fiber clothing and materials. The fact sheet is aimed at...
Read More >Dr. Cynthia Suire Honored with Dunbar Award
On Thursday, January 21, the Louisiana Civil Service League will honor twelve state and municipal employees with Dunbar Awards. The award, named after Charles E. Dunbar, co-author of Louisiana’s first civil service law, are presented to workers in classified systems “who have distinguished themselves by service over and above...
Read More >New Leadership in Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals

On January 5, 2016, Governor John Bel Edwards named Dr. Rebekah Gee, the state’s former Medicaid Medical Director, as the the new secretary for the Department of Health and Hospitals. In her new position, Dr. Gee brings with her years of experience, education, and training and, as an OB/GYN...
Read More >Louisiana Increases Breastfeeding Support
The Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH) is helping hospitals statewide increase access to breastfeeding support and resources for Louisiana mothers. More maternity hospitals than ever before, 82 percent, are participating in The Gift, a DHH breastfeeding quality initiative and designation program. “As the state’s health department, our goal...
Read More >Project LAUNCH Mini-Grant Awardees
On June 29, Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) and the Southwest Louisiana Area Health Education Center (SWLAHEC) awarded $30,000 in mini-grants to 6 non-profit agencies in Acadiana, as the culmination of an open application process. The $5,000 awards will support projects that advance the mission of Louisiana Launch: to...
Read More >Louisiana Prams Surveillance Reports from 2010 and 2011 are Here
Louisiana Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) is an ongoing, population-based risk factor surveillance system designed to describe selected maternal behaviors and experiences that occur before and during pregnancy as well as during a child’s early infancy. Louisiana PRAMS Data Provide Information On: Prenatal maternal behaviors and experiences: pregnancy...
Read More >East Jefferson General Hospital & Tulane-Lakeside Hospital are both “Baby-Friendly”
We are excited to announce that last week, East Jefferson General Hospital and Tulane-Lakeside Hospital achieved the prestigious Baby-Friendly hospital designation by Baby-Friendly, USA, joining Ochsner Medical Center-Baton Rouge, Opelousas General Health System, and Terrebonne General Medical Center. The Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative is a global program of the World Health Organization...
Read More >State Health Department and March of Dimes Louisiana Announce 40-Week Pledge
The Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), the Louisiana March of Dimes and a group of Louisiana hospitals announced a new, voluntary 40-Week Initiative today. The Go the Full 40 Initiative is a voluntary pledge by hospitals to end non-medically indicated induced pregnancies, which helps reduce c-section rates...
Read More >Be Alert for Measles in Louisiana
Measles (Rubeola) is a highly contagious febrile rash illness caused by a paramyxovirus transmitted via the respiratory route. The incubation period averages 10-12 days, and 14 days from exposure to rash onset (range 7-18 days). The prodrome generally lasts 2-4 days and is characterized by fever, increasing in stepwise...
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